
Artist Statement

I attempt to capture the energy and beauty of nature using gold and silver, and gemstones to create functional art-to-wear jewelry. Gemstones and crystals have powers to heal and protect the person wearing it. By creating jewelry that is in harmony with nature, I hope to provide the wearer with a sense of calm, and the modest joy in connecting them with their environment. Ultimately, I would be gratified if the wearer finds aspects of beauty in herself through the pleasure in putting on my jewelry.


I was born in the countryside of Shinshu completely surrounded by mountains. As the youngest of three children, I often played by myself in the woods where trees hundreds of year old grow. Behind the house, spring water flowed and the stones in the stream looked so pretty to me. One day, my grandfather gave me a gift of small pebble-like stones and gemstones. This gift opened the door for me to the world of jewelry as an art form. From that day on, I have attempted to interpret and create shapes inspired by nature.

As an adult, I moved to New York City where I came in contact with people of many backgrounds and had experiences I’d never experienced. I realized that no matter where people come from we all share similar emotions and at the same time I became keenly aware of my own roots in Shinshu. Because of my upbringing, I feel a strong joy in being one with nature and I hope that my jewelry design communicates this sense of pleasure.

Kiyomi Yamagishi

short CV

  • Born in Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • graduated Nihon University, BA
  • moved to New York City in 1987
  • completed Metal Design certification program at Parsons School of Design
  • lives in Brooklyn
  • shows in exhibitions and art events in the U.S. and Japan
  • moved back to Nagano in 2014
  • running the Gallery Shoshinkan (National Registered Tangible Cultural Property)

One Person Show

Two Person Show

Group Show

Past Exhibitions in U.S.A.

One Person Show

  • 2011 Gallery Barking Lizards (Brooklyn, NY)
  • 2009 & 2008 Mieko Mintz (Soho, NY)

Group Show

  • 2011 Art for Happiness – Textile Show (Lower East Side, NY)
  • 2009 Original Tote Bag Exhibition (Brooklyn, NY)
  • 2007 & 2006 Mieko Mintz ( Soho, NY)
  • 2006 Seigo Accessories (Upper Eastside, NY)
  • 2004 & 2003 Felissimo Design House (56th St, NY)
  • 2000 -1994 Atmosphere (Soho,NY)
  • 1999,1998 & 1997 Clodagh Desigh(Noho,NY)
  • 1994 & 1993 Gallery 91 (Soho,NY)

Past Exhibitions in JAPAN.

One Person Show

  • 2011 Craft & Gallery Miki (Kurashiki)
  • 2011 & 2010 Galerie Wa2 (Tokyo)
  • 2011, 2008, 2004 & 2002 Gallery Dan-Ginza(Tokyo)
  • 2008 Gallery The Blue Box (Okazaki)
  • 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 & 2004 LifeState Piare(Himeji)
  • 2010 & 2006 Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
  • 2011, 2004, 2002, 2001 & 1999 Heiando Café Gallery (Nagano)
  • 2003 & 1998 Gallery Dada (Kinosaki)
  • 2002 Arai Atelier Gallery (Tokyo)
  • 1996 & 1994 Gallery Hiro (Nagano)

Two Person Show

  • 2008 “Organic” Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
  • 2001 “Fusion-S” Gallery Shizukana Mukaikaze (Himeji)
  • 1999 “NYC+BCN” Gallery Marya (Takatsuki)
  • 1997 No Excuse” Heiando Gallery(Nagano)
  • 1997 & 1996 “No Excuse” Gallery Marya (Takatsuki)

Group Show

  • 2012 “Art Works 2012” Gallery Niousha (Yamato)
  • 2012 “Small Art Show-Art for Happiness-” Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
  • 2011 “Textile Show” Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
  • 2009 “Original Tote Bag Exhibitin” Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
  • 2007 “Kiyomi + Family Exhibition” (Group Show) Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
  • 2005 - 2012 “Art Jewelry Show” Gallery Arche (Oiso)